Friday, May 17, 2013

Video of Think Fast Forum: The Boston Marathon Bombing

A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that UNC faculty would be joining in a Think Fast Forum on the Boston Marathon Bombing.  The purpose--to delve into our unanswered questions about home-grown terrorism, religious extremism, the pressures of the 24-hour news cycle, the legal system, and political struggles as far away as Chechnya.  
The video of that panel discussion is now up and available here.  It's a great record of a deep conversation about issues that continue to challenge our society.  Don't miss UNC religious studies professor Omid Safi's powerful  conclusion. 


Friday, May 10, 2013

Help NatGeo and Get Free Books and a Map

NatGeoEd and NatGeoKids are looking for some special teachers.  They want your help in aligning their great NG Kids books to Common Core ELA Standards. 

Find out more here. If you're chosen, you'll take part in a webinar, review a book, align it to Common Core and Geography standards, and offer some teaching ideas.  In return you'll get the book you reviewed and a map for your classroom. 

Think about it, and let National Geographic know they can count on you by May 31

Friday, May 3, 2013

Boston Marathon Bombing: Think Fast Forum at UNC

One of many of the great things about UNC-Chapel Hill is the university's commitment to sharing campus resources with the wider community.  I'm privileged to take part in that mission as an Outreach Director.

Sometimes we share resources in a box, or in the form of online materials.  But sometimes nothing less than our faculty will do.  On Monday, May 6, at 6:30 pm, UNC-Chapel Hill will share its faculty with the wider community, in a panel discussion of the Boston Marathon Bombing and its aftermath.

UNC's General Alumni Association offers such faculty discussions as events demand, with the intention of providing the public expert analysis on an important development just as soon as possible.  "Timely discussions by UNC faculty on breaking events" is the description and it's called a "Think Fast Forum" for that reason.

You see the challenge immediately. What academic experts would be willing to step out publicly on speak on events that are still unfolding? 

UNC faculty are willing and able to do so.  Here's the panel:

Peter Coclanis, moderator, professor of history; director of the Global Research Institute
Tamar Birckhead, associate professor of law, School of Law
Jim Hefner, professor of the practice, School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Louise McReynolds, professor of history
Omid Safi, professor of religious studies
David Schanzer, associate professor of the practice for public policy; director, Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security.

You can learn more about each panelist here.  If you're in the Triangle region Monday, please come and hear them grapple with the questions we've all been asking one another about the terrible events in Boston--that week that began with bombs and ended with a manhunt--and how justice may be served and community preserved in its aftermath. 

Hope to see you there.