Monday, May 17, 2010

Global Teaching Articles on LEARN NC

Exciting to have my articles on global teaching featured on LEARN NC's home page.

For more information and links to the best practices articles, go to New on the Website.

More articles to come.  Watch here, and on LEARN NC.  

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Europe Day

Coming up next week (May 9th, to be exact) is Europe Day, commemorating the occasion when Robert Schuman proposed the idea for a supranational European organization that would ultimately result in the creation of the European Union.

Are you teaching the European Union?  UNC's European Union Center of Excellence offers classroom resources for teaching the EU here.

You can also go to LEARN NC to learn more about Teaching the European Union and Using EUROPA to Teach the European Union , and  Teaching Contemporary Europe .

Bonne anniversaire, l'union européenne!