Wednesday, February 27, 2013

NC Social Studies Conference 2013

Democracy in action at last year's NC Social Studies conference

It's almost here!  Later today I'll be packing a bag of teacher goodies and my laptop to set off for the NC Social Studies conference in Greensboro.  Always a great time. I've called it Vegas for social studies fanatics, and, guess what.  I'm calling it that again. 

Come to my session, "A Window on the Middle East" on Friday morning for a map-filled fun time.  (No, I'm not joking.  Us social studies folks eat up those maps like Girl Scout cookies.)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Veiling: Test Your Knowledge

How much do you know about veiling?  Find out by taking our Test Your Knowledge veiling quiz on the ReOrienting the Veil website.

Don't worry.  It's not dissertation-level questioning.  Just some basics like, do veiling customs vary by culture?  Do women in all Muslim majority countries have to veil?  Do women veil exclusively for religious reasons?  Are there veiling traditions in Judaism and Christianity?  Are there actually veil fashionistas? (Spoiler alert: there are. You wouldn't want to show up in Istanbul in a headscarf that's so five minutes ago.)

How do you think you'd do?  Give it a try here, and follow the links to learn more.  Afterwards, browse through the lesson plans and see how you'll share your learning with students.  (I'm most partial to the political cartoons.  A great idea for anything from current events to comparative religions.)

If you're interested in learning more, tune in tomorrow at noon for WUNC's "The State of Things," and hear UNC professors Sahar Amer and Banu Gokariksel discuss the veil with Frank Stasio

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

ReOrienting the Veil

So looking forward to our conference, ReOrienting the Veil, February 22-23 in Chapel Hill!
Join us if you can (it's free and open to the public), and in the meanwhile, explore the web site on the veil and art, law, religion, music, and culture.

Hope to see you there! (If you can't join us, follow our live tweeting at #Veil2013 during the conference.)