Does this look menacing to you? |
So thrilled with the success of our
ReOrienting the Veil conference! Great presentations and conversations about the complex issues of covering by Muslim women. And we were featured in all kinds of media. Here's a sampling of our clips:
UNC professors Sahar Amer and Banu Gökariksel,
“Muslim Women Speak Up About the Veil,” “The State of Things,” NPR, 2/22/13
"Lifting the
Veil: UNC conference focuses on understanding the Muslim
veil,” The Herald-Sun, 2/24/13
And a follow-up opinion piece in the same paper:
"Tolerate the Veil," Opinion, The Herald-Sun, 2/26/13
Our UNC students were in the media mix as well. Here's a story filed by Sefe Emokpae of the
School of Journalism and Mass Communication. The
feature begins at 13:15
And of course the Daily Tar Heel
covered the conference with their trademark professionalism.
Our live tweeting at #Veil2013 even trended on Twitter. Quite an experience.
And the best part is that the ReOrienting the Veil
web site will remain, offering resources, information, images, music, lesson plans, and even a fun
quiz. Please explore and let us know your responses and suggestions. Contact information is on the web site.
#Veil2013 trends on Twitter!
(Click to enlarge) |