Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Free Online Course on 9/11 and Its Aftermath

If you've been telling yourself you've got to get a perspective on 9/11, if you've been promising yourself that you're going to try one of those new MOOC courses--here's your chance.  Duke University's David Schanzer is teaching a seven-week online course on "9/11 and Its Aftermath" through Coursera. 

Read about the course and view the introductory video here, and don't delay.  The course begins on Sept. 9, and registration is going on right now

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Teacher Workshop: Intro to Islamic Art and Culture

See below and register now.  Should be a great program! 

Teacher Workshop: Introduction to Islamic Art and Culture
Wednesday, August 14
8:30 - 4:30pm 
Nasher Museum of Art, Duke University
Join K-12 educators to learn how you can bring Islamic art and culture into your classroom! 
The program will include slide lectures, hands-on art activities, creative writing and performances by local musicians and dancers. 
For more information, and to register by July 16
($20, includes lunch and printed resources), please click here.